Market Report – 13 March 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 7,274

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was mixed with only a limited supply of prime trade and heavy lambs, there was a good supply of light and secondary trade lambs which had a few extra orders from restockers and feeders. Not all of the usual buyers operated. Light lambs were dearer while trade weights were slightly cheaper.

Lambs returning to the paddock were $10 dearer selling from $55 to $116 and Trade weights lambs reached $130/head. The 2 score processing lambs jumped $15 with the added competition from restockers and ranged from $84 to $112/head. light trades were $6 dearer selling from $105 to $130/head averaging 590c/kg. lambs to 24kg cwt reached $142 and heavy weights sold from $150 to $160/head averaging 560c to 570c/kg cwt. The best of the hoggets reached $115/head.

Mutton numbers eased and quality was mixed with very few heavy weights offered. Light and medium weights were $5 to $8 cheaper with the limited supply of heavy mutton lifted $10 to $15/head. Crossbreds reached $110 and Merino $103/head and most averaged 240c to 270c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 347 XB Lambs sold to a top of $155ph by Delta Livestock on behalf of C J M & W Burgess.
