Market Report – 13 May 2020

Total Yarding: 8,220

Lamb numbers were similar and the quality was good. Trade weights were well supplied and there were a few good heavy lambs and only a limited supply of light weights. Restockers and feeders were again strong. Not all but the usual buyers operated in a market that was dearer.

Restockers and feeders paid up to $215/head. The majority of trade lambs sold from $187 to $222, lifting $5 to $10/head. Heavy lambs reached $254 and topped at $294 for extra heavy weights gaining $4 to $5/head and carcase prices averaged from 780c to 820c for the heavier lambs and from 880c to 910c/kg cwt for the trade weight lambs. Merino lambs made from $120 to $158/head to processors and from $120 to $155/head to restockers. Hoggets reached $250/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and quality was very mixed. Prices were strong across the whole offering, jumping $10 to $15/head especially on the heavier weights. Merino ewes sold to $260/head. Crossbred ewes sold to $263/head for heavy weights. Most averaged from 680c to 730c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Campbell Basnett, Gunning was one of the organisers of a charity auction run by Phill Butt, Butt Livestock & Property, which raised over $15,000 for Lach Sullivan and his family. Sheep were donated from across the region and enormous thanks are extended to the purchasers.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 6 May 2020.
