Market Report – 14 July 2022

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 293

Numbers lifted this sale though quality was very mixed across all categories. Yearlings made up the majority of the offering with grown cattle limited. The usual buyers were present and competing in an easier market.

Yearling steers to feed sold from 380 to 482c/kg. Better types to processors ranged from 440c to 540c/kg. The heifer portion to feed received from, 380c to 421c with processors paying up to 500c/kg for the better types.

Heavy steers reached 440c with grown heifers selling to 410c/kg. Approximately 40 cows were offered with the heavy 2 & 3 score selling from 280c to 330c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 5 Hereford Cows sold for 305c/kg, ave 758kg, $2312ph by AgStock on behalf of T Smith, Coolac.
