Market Report – 15 May 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 11,713

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was plainer. There were plenty of lambs that were lacking cover from the light weights well into the medium trade categories. There were several pens of well finished trades and a small run of good heavy weights. Not all the usual buyers were operating.

The light lambs were $10 to $20 cheaper with the 2 score processing lambs selling from $50 to $100/head. A high light was restocker paying upto $150/head for second cross store lambs. Prime trade lambs were $4 to $5 cheaper with lambs 20 to 24kg selling from $138 to $151/head averaging 620c/kg and heavy weights were $5 to $7 cheaper ranged from $151 to $180/head or 640c/kg on average. Extra heavy weights sold from $196 to $220/head. A limited supply of heavy hoggets were $10 dearer and reached $138/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality remains mixed. Prices were stronger lifting between $7 and $10/head across most of the mutton. Medium weights sold from $50 to $100 and heavy crossbred ewes $94 to $113/head. Merino reached $101/head and most of the better covered lines sold from 320c to 340c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 65 XB Lambs sold for $220ph by AgStock on behalf of S Robinson.
