Market Report – 16 August

Total Yarding: 686

Numbers were back and the quality was very mixed. Heavy cattle were very limited and most were light weaners. Although the quality was mixed, there was a better breed run of cattle this week. Prices were cheaper on the very plain crossbreds and firm on the better bred weaners.

Heavy weaner steers sold from 210c to 235c and heifers made from 122c to 190c/kg. Feeder steers sold to a dearer trend on quality, with the medium and heavy weights receiving from 190c to 255c/kg. Heifers were cheaper, receiving from 159c to 200c/kg. Trade cattle decreased 15c to 20c, with steers reaching 262c and heifers topping at 238c/kg.

There were no heavy grown cattle. Plain cows were cheaper and cows with weight and cover sold 6c/kg dearer. Medium weight 2 score cows sold from 120c to 168c and the better covered heavy weights made from 175c to 210c/kg. Prime heavy weights averaged 198c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Kevin Scott, Murrumbateman topped the cow market with Gerrard & Partners selling 6 Angus x Cows for 210c/kg, av 674.2kg, $1415.75ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 16 August 2018.
