Market Report – 16 February 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 657

Cattle numbers eased and the quality was fair to good. Yearling made up the bulk and most were heavy feeders. There were a few good trade cattle and an increase in two tooth grown steers. Around 40 cows were penned. The market sold to a cheaper trend on the young cattle to feed and the cows while grown steers and heifers were firm.

Weaner steers back to the paddock sold to 420c and heifers 382c/kg. A line of light yearling heifers to a restocking order reached 424c/kg. Feeder steers were 10c softer and the heavy weights sold between 330c and 400c, medium weights reached 411c/kg. Feeder heifers were very close to firm with most selling between 340c and 364c/kg. The few heavy trade cattle were 7c to 10c better selling from 330c to 390c/kg.

Grown steers mostly 320c to 358c with an odd sale of a light two tooth to feed reaching 380c/kg. Heavy heifers were firm to slightly dearer but quality improved 340c to 350c/kg. Cows were 6c to 8c cheaper with the heavy weights selling from 260c to 288c and the medium weights 2 score cows averaged 239c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 11 Red Angus Heifers sold for 390.2c/kg, ave 457.7kg, $1786ph by Jim Hindmarsh & Son on behalf of Owen & Owen, Braidwood.
