Market Report – 16 June 2021

Total Yarding: 9,029

Lamb numbers increased and the quality was mixed. There was a very good line up of heavy and extra heavy lambs. Prime trade lambs were limited and there was an increase in secondary lambs penned. The market sold to a cheaper trend.

Restocking lambs sold to a top of $172, with young ewes making $218/head. Trade weights to 24kg sold from $7 to $10 cheaper with quality the main contributor and prices ranging from $174 to $198/head to average 785c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs slipped $5, selling from $176 to $215/head to average 760c/kg cwt. Heavy 16 to 30kg lambs lost $3 and sold from $205 to $228, with extra heavy lambs reaching $288/head. Merino trades sold from $140 to $184 and heavy weights reached $196/head.

Mutton numbers eased and quality was plainer, however prices were stronger. Medium weight ewes made from $136 to $176 and heavy crossbred ewes made from $195 to $236/head. Merinos reached a top of $234/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Clare Southwell & Paul Costigan, Ray White Rural Yass sold 36 XB Lambs on behalf of Top Creek Partnership, Boorowa for $236.2ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb – 16 June 2021.
