Market Report – 16 May 2024

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 1190

Numbers remained similar for a total yarding of 1196, mixed quality cattle. There were some good runs of yearlings to process, along with some good pens to suit the feedlot buyers. Grown cattle were limited, and there were 400 cows. All the usual buyers were operating, selling to a firm to dearer market.

Prime vealers reached 366c/kg. Yearlings to process were up to 20c dearer, with the steers making from 265c to 340c and the heifers made from 266c to 331c/kg. Feeder steers were mostly firm, ranging from 255c to 354c/kg. Heifers to feed were considerably dearer, selling from 230c to 320c, and yearling heifers returning to the paddock topped at 315c/kg. There was keen interest from the restockers for young cattle, with the steers reaching 347c, to average 325c and the heifers averaged 284c/kg.

Heavy grown heifers lifted 6c, selling from 190c to 310c/kg. There is still very strong demand for cows to process. Two score cows made from 120c to 190c, and heavy prime cows jumped 10c, selling from 222c to 268c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 9 Angus X Heifers sold for 326c/kg, ave 348.3kg, $1136ph by Michael Hall Livestock on behalf of E Connor.
