Market Report – 16 October 2019

Total Yarding: 25,259

Lamb numbers increased and the rise in numbers comprised mainly of new season lambs. The quality was good and trade and heavy weights were best supplied. There were a few more store lambs penned but were not in large numbers. Old merino lambs were mostly lighter weights and there were a few heavy weight old lambs. The market sold to softer trend.

New season lambs to restockers made from $109 to $155/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $3 to $4 cheaper with the support of the Restockers and sold from $162 to $175/head or 750c to 790c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs eased $7, selling from $172 to $201/head. Extra heavy lambs reached $238/head.

Old Merino lambs made from $125 to $166 and trade lambs sold from $130 to $154/head, while heavy crossbreds reached $250/head.

Mutton numbers fell and the quality was good. Ewes eased up to $10/head and the wethers were firm with a few extra restocking orders. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $175 and Merinos up to $174/head. Most averaged from 520c to 580c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: RTR Rural, Goulburn sold 1,020 XB Suckers with Agstock to a top of $238.2ph – topping today’s Sucker market.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report– Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 16 October 2019.
