Market Report – 18 May 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 422

Numbers crept up and the quality improved with fewer tailend cattle offered. There were good numbers of yearlings and a small offering of well finished heavy grown steers and heifers. Around 95 cows were penned in a market that saw dearer trends on the well finished trade and export cattle and much cheaper trends on the cattle going onto feed and back to the paddock.

The best of the vealers reached 305c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers made to 300c while the better supplied heavy weights ranged from 244c to 280c/kg. Feeder heifers were limited and ranged from 220c to 290c/kg. Trade steers were firm and the odd sale dearer 265c to 317c and heavy yearling heifers sold to 297c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were stronger ranging from 290c to 300c and lighter weights to feed topped at 330c/kg,. Grown heifers to process 280c to 310c/kg. The 2 score cows were firm 140c to 216c and the heavy 3 and 4 score cows were 5c to 10c better selling from 200c to 235c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 8 Angus Cows sold for 226c/kg, ave 598.1kg, $1352ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of Bimini, Lost River.
