Market Report – 18 May

Cattle numbers eased and the quality of the young cattle eased with very few trade cattle offered. Most of the young cattle sold to feeder or restocking orders. Weaner steers and heifers were in greater numbers and demand from restockers was strong. Grown steers in prime condition still remain in limited supply as were the better finished heifers. Cow numbers were down and quality eased. All the usual buyers operated along with extra feeder and restocking orders in a mostly dearer market.

Steer vealers to restockers sold to 409c to average 375g, lifting 15c to 20/kg. Heifers averaged 338c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers were unchanged while the light heifers to feed were 20c dearer and the medium weights were 5c/kg stronger on the Angus heifers. Steers ranged from 323c to 377c and heifers made from 316c to 358c/kg. Weaner steers to restockers sold to 402c/kg.

Grown steers to processors were similar to last week, ranging from 289c to 316c/kg. Plainer 2 score heifers to restockers lifted 15c, receiving from 210c to 265c/kg. Cows lifted 4c to 6c with the 2 scores trading from 200c to 242c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores making 227c to 248c, to average 241c/kg. 6 tooth cows reached 272c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 18 May 2017.

Photo: Nick Harton, Jim Hindmarsh & Co. sold Angus x Steers on behalf of The University of Sydney, Marulan to a top of 402.2c/kg, av 305kg, $1226.71ph.
