Market Report – 18 November 2021

Total Yarding: 689

Numbers lifted and the quality was a little plainer with more secondary and crossbred cattle offered. There were still good numbers of feeder and trade cattle, a larger number of prime 2 tooth heifers. Grown steers and bullocks were limited and there were around 120 mostly heavy 4 score cows.

Young cattle to restockers and feeders were cheaper with weaner steers reaching 680c and heifers 620c/kg. Medium and heavy feeder steers ranged from 480c to 550c and heifers 510c to 560c/kg. Trade cattle were 20c softer on the heavy weights with the steers 480c to 540c and the heifer portion 470c to 520c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were firm 445c to 470c/kg and the prime heifers lifted 11c, 442c to 458c/kg. Cows were 10c to 15c stronger with medium weight 2 and 3 scores mostly 345c to 375c and the prime heavy 4 scores 355c to 386c/kg.

Photo: Matt Crozier, Cavan Station, Yass sold a total of 18 Shorthorn Steers at today’s sale. This pen sold for 455c/kg, ave 600.8kg, $2734ph by Butt Livestock.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
