Market Report – 18 September 2019

Total Yarding:  9238

Lamb numbers nearly halved and there were close to 3,000 new season lambs penned. The quality was a little plainer in the trade and heavy lamb runs and reduction in numbers come from less store lambs being offered. Light lambs sold slightly dearer while trade and heavy lambs were $4 to $6/head cheaper.

New season lambs to the paddock made from $103 to $150/head. Medium and heavy trade weights sold from $153 to $174/head. Heavy lambs made from $176 to $194/head, averaging 760c to 800c/kg cwt.

Old trade lambs ranged from $140 to $161/head. Heavy weights sold from $171 to $195 and extra heavy lambs made a top of $214/head. Most averaged around 750c/kg cwt. Merinos sold up to $171/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good. Prices increased $10 to $15 with medium weight ewes selling from $110 to $147/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $144 to $177/head. Heavy Merino ewes reached $188/head. Heavy Merino wethers topped at $200/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: P&F Southwell, Yass, topped today’s sucker market with Delta selling 56 XB suckers for $194 ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 18 September 2019.
