Market Report – 19 April

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was mixed. Each Agent had a small run of good trade and heavy lambs but quality slipped quickly. Store lambs lacking cover were best supplied and re-stockers were active on most weights. Not all the usual buyers were operating in a dearer re-stocking and trade market and the heavy and export run was cheaper.

Re-stocking lambs sold from $74 to $138/head. The medium and heavy trade lambs were $3 to $4 dearer on plainer quality selling from $135 to $158.60/head. Heavy lambs were $4 to $5 cheaper and ranged from $150 to $181/head. Carcass prices ranged from 640c to 660c/kg. Merino lambs reached $149/head. The best hogget topped at $167/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and quality remains mixed. Prices were firm to slightly dearer on most with medium weights ranging from $104 to $144/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $166 and Merino wethers $145/head averaging 500c to 530c for most.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 19 April 2017.

Photo: Delta Agribusiness sold XB Lambs on behalf of Peter Tonkin to a top of $172ph.
