Market Report – 19 June 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 14,723

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality improved with a good run of well finished trades and a better line up of heavy lambs. Extra heavy weights were also better supplied. There was a big run of very light Merino store lambs. There still were a few plainer and secondary trade lambs. The market sold to stronger trends.

The 2 score processing lambs sold from $44 to $96/head and restockers paid from $18 to $43 for the light Merinos and up to $137/head for shorn crossbreds. The trade lambs were $10 dearer on the 20 to 22kg lambs with a local butcher operating and sold from $144 to $163 and the 22 to 24kg lifted $5 selling from $148 to $190/head to average 720c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs 24 to 26kg were $9 dearer $163 to $194 and lambs up to 30kg sold from $195 to $210/head averaging 690c to 700c/kg cwt. Extra heavy weights reached $229/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good. Prices were $2 to $4 cheaper on the ewes and $5 dearer on a very good big run of Merino wethers with a 8 month skin. Medium weight ewes sold from $56 to $96 and heavy crossbreds reached $130/head. Merino wethers reached $124/head, most averaged from 300c to 350c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 32 XB Lambs sold for $229ph by Holman Tolmie on behalf Glenbrook Grazing.
