Market Report – 2 December 2021

Total Yarding: 558

Cattle numbers declined and the quality was a little plainer with more secondary cattle offered. There were some very fresh weaners and most of the yearlings were 400kg plus and carrying plenty of condition. Grown steers and heifers were in limited numbers and around 70 mostly heavy cows were penned. The market sold to cheaper trend with the exception of the few leaner heifers to feed and the very heavy over conditioned cows.

Weaner steers to restock sold from 650c to 900c and heifers 580c to 700c/kg. Medium weight steers to feed and restock ranged from 498c to 642c and heavy feeder steers were 4c cheaper 420c to 589c/kg. Feeder heifers were firm 430c to 520c and the few heavy trade cattle 440c to 534c/kg.

Prime grown steers and bullocks lost 30c selling from 390c for full mouth bullocks to 440c, not all export buyers operated, grown heifers ranged from 370c to 448c/kg. Cows lost 4c to 6c with the medium weight cows 355c to 360c and the heavy 3 and 4 score cows 368c to 390c and over conditioned cows lifted 12c selling from 345c to 372c/kg.

Photo: 15 Angus x Cows sold by R Webster, Bigga, for 382c/kg, ave 760.3kg, $2904ph with Duncombe & Co.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
