Market Report – 2 November

Total Yarding: 1,096

Numbers were back but the quality improved with most of the cattle carrying plenty of weight and condition. Yearlings were well supplied and there was a good run of grown steers and heifers. Cows were back in volume and vealers were limited. All the buyers were operating.

Restocking vealer steers sold to 365c/kg. The trade vealers sold from 300c to 305c/kg. Feeder steers eased 6c/kg, however more weight and condition was purchased. Feeder steers ranged from 260c to 306c and heifers 268c to 300c/kg. Trade cattle sold slightly dearer with steers reaching 310c and Limousin heifers made 320c/kg.

Grown steers eased 4c, to range from 260c to 290c and the heavy heifers reached 264c to processors, while the lighter weights to feed made 274c/kg. Medium weight cows sold stronger with the 3 score cows making 215c to 232c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores sold firm, from 222c to 237c, to average 230c/kg on average.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 2 November 2017.

Photo: Jock Duncombe, Duncombe & Co sold 36 Angus x Steers on behalf of Brian & Narelle Bulmer, ‘Cooksvale’ Peelwood 362c/kg, av 266.9kg, $966.2ph.
