Market Report – 20 April

Numbers were steady and the quality was fair to good. Yearlings made up the bulk of the yarding and there were a few pens of weaners. Grown cattle were limited and around 500 cows were penned. The usual buyers attended the market.

Trade vealers were firm selling to 367c/kg. Light restocking weaner steers topped at 399c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers were 4c stronger, selling from 335c to 375c/kg. Medium weight heifers gained 3c on average selling to 350c/kg. Trade cattle were limited and sold to similar rates receiving 320c to 342c/kg.

Too few grown steers to quote with the processors paying 288c to 323c/kg for steers over 500kg. The best of the grown heifers reached 310c/kg. Cows were cheaper although the quality was not as good. The medium weight 2 scores made 209c to 233c and restocking cows sold from 220c to 249c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores ranged from 212c to 248c, averaging 244c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 20 April 2017.

Photo: Greg Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson selling Angus x Steers on behalf of J & G Coombs to a sale top of 399.2c/kg, averaging 219.3kg, $875.39ph.
