Market Report – 20 May 2020

Total Yarding: 7,318

Lamb numbers were similar, and the quality was good with a lot of lambs coming off crops and falling into the heavy trade and heavy lamb categories. Light lambs were limited and there was good competition from restockers on the heavier lambs to return to the paddock. The market was firm to $3/head dearer.

The few light lambs to restocking orders made from $130 to $168/head with heavier weight returning to the paddock reaching $211/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs sold from $184 to $220/head averaging 880c to 920c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs, over 24kg made from $205 to $226/head or 850c/kg cwt on average. Extra heavy lambs sold from $247 to $290/head. Trade Merino lambs made from $163 to $168 and hoggets reached $250/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was mixed. Prices lifted $4 to $5/head across most lines. Medium weight ewes sold from $142 to $188/head. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $195 to $255/head. Crossbred ewes made from $220 to $260 and Merino wethers reached $241/head. Most averaged 700c to 740c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: D&M Hewitt, Wheeo sold 38 XB Lambs with Duncombe & Co for $280ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 20 May 2020.
