Market Report – 20 October 2021

Total Yarding: 18,463

Lamb numbers lifted with 10,900 new season lambs penned. The quality of the trade and export lambs was good and improved from last week and there was an increase in the number of store lambs. Old lambs were in short supply as were Merinos. Not all the usual buyers were operating and there was a strong restocking gallery. Store lambs were similar in value while the processing lambs were firm to dearer and the fresher lambs stronger and drier lambs, were back slightly.

New season store lambs sold from $130 to $194/head. Trade lambs to 24kg cwt were firm to slightly dearer on average, with quality a major factor, and prices ranged from $190 to $231/head. Lambs weighing 24 to 26kg cwt sold from $223 to $254/head and averaged 890c to 920c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs to 30kg cwt have reached $289/head.

The limited number of old trade weights made from $190 to $220 and heavy weights reached $264/head. Merino trade weights ranged from $164 to $184 and heavy weights topped at $220/head.
Mutton numbers improved and the quality was again good with plenty of medium and heavy sheep offered. Prices were dearer on the lighter weights with heavy sheep back $6/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $124 to $178/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $200 to $224 and Merinos reached $212/head. Merino wethers reached a top of $214/head.

Photo: Anthony Attard, Cootamundra, sold 50 XB Suckers for $270 with Delta livestock.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
