Market Report – 20 September

Total Yarding: 541

Numbers lifted and quality was plainer. There were more light and plain yearlings, while weaners decreased in numbers. Yearlings made up the bulk, with most going to feeder orders. There were very limited numbers of heavy grown steers. Around 110 cows were penned and the plainer quality of the yarding saw prices follow a cheaper trend.

Most weaner heifers sold from 180c to 211c/kg. Yearling steers to feed made from 255c to 276c, while medium and heavy feeder heifers sold from 230c to 267c, with restockers paying up to 297c/kg. The very few trade cattle made from 255c to 280c/kg.

Grown steers to feed averaged 250c, while a run of Friesian steers averaged 199.2c/kg. Heavy cows were 10c to 14c/kg cheaper, but the lighter cows were driven higher by stronger restocking activity. Medium weight 2 score cows made from 183c to 208c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores sold from 186c to 218c/kg. The prime heavy weights averaged 208c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Landmark sold 1 Angus x cow on behalf of Rogara Station, Goulburn, for 210c/kg, wgt 790kg, $1659 topping today’s sale.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 20 September 2018.
