Market Report – 20 September

Total Yarding: 9,586

Lamb numbers lifted and there was an increase in new season lambs to 2,800 and a reduction in Merino lambs. Old lambs were also in fewer numbers. The quality was good in the trade runs and there were plenty of lighter store lambs coming forward which suited both trade and restockers. Heavy weights were in short supply.

New season lambs to processers ranged from $76 to $113/head for the light 2 score lambs. The medium and heavy trade weights were firm to $4 cheaper and sold from $110 to $140/head. Heavy lambs ranged from $140 to $147 and the few extra heavy lambs reached $198.20/head. Carcase prices ranged from 575c to 600c/kg cwt.

Old lambs were slightly dearer and the trade weights sold from $114 to $139/head. Merino lambs were well back in numbers and sold $3 dearer and ranged from $114 to $122/head. The best of the heavy hoggets reached $138/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and there was an increase in Merino wethers. Quality was good with plenty of medium and heavy sheep in excellent condition. Prices were $1 to $4/head dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $70 to $111/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $102 to $120/head. Merino wethers sold to $116/head. Carcase prices ranged from 380c to 400c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 20 September 2017.

Photo: Phill Butt (Butt Livestock & Property) with Bob Holloway (‘The Dip’ Wee Jasper) topped today’s sale with Suckers sold to a top of $198.2ph.
