Market Report – 21 July 2021

Total Yarding: 8242

Lamb numbers were back due to good fall of rain in the supply area. The quality was plainer and trade weights and heavy lambs made up the bulk of the yarding. Only 450 new season lambs were offered and most were light weights. Heavy trade weights were in short supply along with a reduced number of Merino lambs. The market was dearer by $15 to $20/head over the majority of the lambs.

The new season lambs sold from $168 to $196/head and heavy trade reached $240/head.

Old trade weights to 24kg cwt sold from $176 to $245/head averaging 930c to 960c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg cwt ranged from $200 to $258/head and heavy lambs 26 to 30kg making from $249 to $285/head averaging 860c to 920c/kg cwt. Extra heavy weights ranged from $285 to a market top of $305/head. Merino trades ranged from $175 to $186 and heavy weights reached $232/head. Best price for hogget reached $247/head.

Mutton numbers were also in light supply and the quality remained mixed. Prices were firm to $5/head cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold between $116 to $179/head. Heavy crossbreds making $188 to $230 and heavy Merinos $190 to $237/head. Wethers reached $249/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.Photo: Sally & Isaac of Butt livestock sold 21 XB Lambs on behalf of Willow View Partnership, Yass to a sale top of $305 ph.

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