Market Report – 21 November 2019

Total Yarding: 2288

Cattle numbers lifted with the rise predominately in the heifers run. The quality was good with a lot of cattle with weight and condition. Yearlings were well supplied and competition was strong from all buyers. Grown steers were limited and there was a good run of heavy cows. Young cattle sold to a dearer trend while cows were cheaper.

Vealer steers returning to the paddock sold to 324c and the heifers to 262c/kg. Yearling steers to feed jumped 25c on the medium weights and 9c on the heavy weights making from 265c to 319c/kg. Feeder heifers were around firm, making from 240c to 282c/kg. Trade heifers improved 6c, selling from 280c to 289c/kg.

A plainer and smaller run of grown steers made from 265c to 285c/kg. Euro 2 tooth heifers sold from 280c to 290c/kg. Cows were 7c cheaper on the medium weight 2 scores, selling from 192c to 214c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows were 8c to 10c easier with the majority selling from 205c to 248c with high yielding C muscled cows selling to 262c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Ben & Nick, Jim Hindmarsh & Co sold 47 Angus x Heifers on behalf of Hazlett Pastoral Company for 285.2c/kg, av 414.5kg, $1182.06ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 21 November 2019.
