Market Report – 21 November

Total Yarding: 26,893

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was similar, with light young lambs best supplied. Trade and heavy lambs were better supplied, but still remain limited. A few shorn lambs mainly trade weights were penned and there was an increase in the number of Merino lambs. The market sold to a dearer trend.

New season restocking lambs were $8 dearer, making from $80 to $130/head. Lambs to feed on reached $144/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $6 to $7 dearer as they sold from $124 to $165/head. Heavy lambs made from $170 to $188/head. Carcase prices averaged from 680c to 710c, with the best lambs reaching 740c/kg cwt.

The shorn trade weights lifted $10 and sold from $140 to $165, while heavy weights reached $175/head. Merino lambs reached $145/head. Hoggets sold for $150/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was a little plainer, with more light and medium weights offered. Prices were $9 to $12/head dearer on the light and medium weights, while heavy sheep are firm. Medium weight ewes sold from $76 to $118/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $140 and Merino ewes sold for $150/head. Carcase prices averaged from 430c to 460c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Topping today’s market D&K Logan, Crookwell sold a total of 341 XB Suckers with MD & JJ Anderson to a top of $218.2ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Lamb & Sheep sale – 21 November 2018.
