Market Report – 22 August

Total Yarding: 10,483

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality remain mostly light and plain. There were a few good runs of new season trade and heavy lambs, but they still remain in short supply. 1,200 new season lambs were penned. The trade and heavy new season lambs sold dearer, while the old trade lambs were cheaper.

New season lambs to restock ranged from $50 to $135/head. Trade weights sold between $156 and $204/head. Heavy lambs reached $221/head averaging 850c/kg for the higher dressing lambs.

Old 2 score processing lambs were $9 dearer, selling from $78 to $115/head. Trade lambs eased $5 to $6, selling from $145 to $190/head. Heavy lambs ranged from $191 to $226/head and a pen of 3 very heavy lambs reached $301.20/head. Most averaged around 800c/kg.

Mutton numbers fell and the quality was mixed. Prices eased $5 to $6/head. Medium weight ewes ranged from $88 to $110/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $166/head. Most averaged 430c to 450c/kg cwt.

Market Report:MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: David Smith & Garry Apps, Ray White Livestock, sold 256 XB Suckers on behalf of Derneveagh Pastoral, Harden with 77 topping today’s suckers market at $204.6 ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb Sale – 22 August 2018.
