Market Report – 22 February 2019

Total Yarding: 497

It was only a small yarding, but the quality of most of the young weaners was excellent. Steers made up the bulk and there was only a few heifers and a small run of cow and calf units. The market sold to solid demand from the small group of buyers that were strong on the lighter calves.

Weaner steers sold from $560 to $640/head for light weights under 200kg. Medium weights sold to $800/head, averaging from 300c to 320c/kg lwt. Heavy weaner steers received from $700 to $945/head to average from 260c to 280c/kg lwt. Most of the limited number of heifers made from $460 to $620/head or from 210c to 235c/kg lwt. Limousin cross yearling steers sold to $800 and the heifers made to $840/head.

PTIC cows reached $820/head and young Angus cows with calf at foot topped at $1,340/unit. A run of Black Baldies sold for $1,220/unit.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: CHAMPION PRESENTED PEN OF COWS – Michael Hall (Livestock & Property) with Rhonda & Brendan Craig, Goulburn who sold 6 Angus x Cows & Calves for $1340ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 21 February 2019.
