Market Report – 22 January 2020

Total Yarding:  18,006

Lamb numbers were back and the quality was fair to good. Light unshorn store lambs were well supplied and the major fall in numbers was in the trade and heavy weight categories. The market sold to a dearer trend.

Light unshorn store lambs lifted $20, selling from $109 to $135 and feeders paid to $168/head for heavier weights. Medium and heavy trade lambs sold from $156 to $174/head. Heavy new season trade weights sold from $169 to $187 and extra heavy lambs made form $194 to $201/head, averaging 750c to 770c/kg cwt. Shorn trade weights were $20 dearer with lambs to 22kg selling from $152 to $181/head. Heavy lambs were $17 dearer, selling from $180 to $204/head, or from 760c to 800c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs topped at $223/head.

Mutton numbers nearly halved and the quality again was mixed. The medium and heavy sheep were $15 to $18/head dearer on average. Medium weights sold from $96 to $166/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $176 to $202 and Merino ewes reached $190/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: T. Hodgson, Lerinda Farm, sold 137 Australian White Lambs to a top of $198.20 with Nutrien Ag Solutions (Landmark).

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 22 January 2020.
