Market Report – 22 March 2019

Total Yarding: 5,048

The first of the annual weaner sales attracted a very good offering of calves despite the seasonal conditions. There were just over 5,000 head penned. There was strong competition from local buyers and well as buyers as far away as Victoria and South Australia trying to secure lines of well bred cattle. The market was very strong with steers lifting $80 to $120 and heifers up to $150/head.

Weaner steers under 200kg sold from $350 to $615/head. Medium weights 200kg to 280kg mostly sold from $615 to $830 and heavy weights $720 to $1,020/head. Most of the steers ranged between 270c to 320c/kg. Light weights sold up towards 400c/kg lwt. The light heifers sold very well ranging from $400 to $590/head averaging 300c/kg. Medium weight Angus heifers which were best supplied sold from $515 to $710 and heavy weaner heifers reached $760/head. Most of the heifers averaged 260c to 270c and did reach 320c/kg lwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: CHAMPION PEN OF PRESENTED STEERS – (L-R) Nick Harton (Jim Hindmarsh & Co) with Sam Harrison, Sarah Hemler & David Harrison ‘Clearview’ Araleun and Joel & Rachel Conron of ‘Conron Stockcrete’. David sold a total of 56 Poll Hereford Steers to a top of $880ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Special Weaner sale – 22 March 2019.
