Market Report – 23 February 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 759

Cattle numbers lifted and the quality was good. There were a few runs of pre weighed weaners and good lines of heavy feeder cattle. Trade cattle were better supplied while grown steers and heifers were back in numbers. Around 70 cows were offered and the trend of the market was firm to a couple of cents dearer.

The pre weighed weaners sold from $1200 to $1410/head averaging from 550c to 600c/kg lwt. Medium weight feeder steers sold to 418c and the heavy weights 342c to 410c/kg. feeder heifers were fully firm selling from 320c to 357c for the medium and heavy weights. Medium weight trade cattle ranged from 370c to 398 and the heavy trade cattle 330c to 360c/kg.

Most of the grown steers and bullocks ranged between 300c and 345c and the heavy heifers 272c to 322c/kg. Heavy cows were firm to 2c dearer with the prime 4 score cows 262c to 290c/kg and the plainer 2 score cows 200c to 240c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 12 Angus X Heifers sold for 345.2c/kg, ave 477.1kg, $1647ph by Michael Hall Livestock on behalf of Kilby Brothers, Taralga.
