Market Report – 23 March 2022

Total Yarding: 7,633

Numbers were back and the overall quality was plainer. There were a few lighter weights which mainly suited the restockers, a good run of trade weights and small run of heavy and extra heavy weights. Secondary lambs with weight still had a high presence and most of these went to feeder/restocking orders. Not all the usual buyers were operating fully, and the market sold to a dearer trend.

Restocking lambs sold from $120 to $171/head up $7 on average. Trade lambs 20 to 22kg cwt were firm selling from $150 to $177/head andthe 22 to 24kg lambs were $7 to $8 dearer, ranging from $173 to $197/head, averaging 750c to 765c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs, the bestfinished lifted $10 and ranged from $195 to $210/head, 26 to 30kg heavy weights $209 to $230/head and extra heavy lambs reached$263/head. Merino lambs were light 1 and 2 scores sold from $34 to $138/head. Best priced hogget reached $207/head.

Mutton numbers also dropped and the quality was again mixed with all weights and grades penned. Prices held firm on limited numbers of heavy crossbred ewes and were $4 to $5 dearer on the light and medium weights. Medium weight ewes $106 to $165/head, heavy crossbred ewes $188 to $206 and restocking Merinos ewes $165 to $175/head.

Photo: Michael Hall Livestock sold 92 1st X Ewes to a top of $200ph on behalf of the Estate of W Broomfield.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.
