Market Report – 23 May

Total Yarding: 12,842

Lamb numbers eased and the quality remains mixed. There were plenty of light lambs and secondary trade and heavy weights with prime well-finished lambs in short supply. All the usual buyers operated in a cheaper market.

Light 2 score processing lambs ranged from $66 to $106/head. Restocking lambs sold from $92 with trade weights to feed on reaching $133/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $2 to $5 cheaper on plainer quality and sold from $115 to $144/head to average 570c to 590c/kg. Heavy lambs were $2 to $5 and sold to $165 with extra heavy lambs making $170/head. Carcase prices ranged from 540c to 590c/kg on average.

Mutton numbers eased and quality was mixed with more sheep on the lighter side. Heavy weights were still well supplied while light 1 and 2 score sheep better supplied. Prices gained $3 to $6/head. Heavy crossbreds reached $185 and Merinos $150/head. Merino wethers reached 172.60/head. Medium weights sold between $86 and to $124/head for full wool Merinos.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Korintu P/L topped today’s market with 108 XB Ewes sold for $185ph by Holman Tolmie.

CLICK HERE to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb Sale – 23 May 2018.
