Market Report – 23 September 2020

Total Yarding: 9,422

Lamb numbers lifted and there were 6,000 new season lambs offered. The quality remained very good particularly in the new season lamb run. Trade and heavy lambs were best supplied with light lambs very limited. Merino numbers were back. The market sold to a dearer trend.

New season trade lambs to 22kg were $7 dearer and sold from $147 to $171/head. Lambs 22 to 24kg also lifted $7, to make from $161 to $182/head and averaged 700c to 750c/kg cwt for the lighter end. Heavy lambs to 26kg were from $11 to $13 dearer to sell from $166 to $188 or around 700c/kg cwt on average and extra heavy lambs topped at $223/head. Lambs returning to the paddock sold from $147 to $161/head.

Medium and heavy old trade lambs were firm to $5 dearer and made from $143 to $161/head. Heavy weights sold from $155 to $189 and extra heavy lambs made from $189 to $205/head. Merino trade lambs sold from $140 to $165 lifting $10/head. Restocking orders paid to $221/head for crossbred ewe lambs.

Mutton numbers increased and the quality was good with plenty of medium and heavy weights. Wethers were best supplied. Prices dearer on the lighter weights and held firm to slightly cheaper on the heavy sheep. Medium weight sheep made from $147 to $157/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $158 to $170/head. Merino wethers made from $158 to $170/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Harriett Mitchell, Bourke, is currently undertaking work experience with Jock Duncombe, Duncombe & Co, who sold 52 XB Suckers on behalf of M&C Stevenson, Bigga for $210ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 23 September 2020.
