Market Report – 24 August

Total Yarding: 301

Numbers fell and the quality was mostly plain with the exception of a few pens of young cattle which were suitable of the trade. Cows and grown steers were in very short supply. The market was cheaper on the young cattle which was mostly quality related and firm on the cows and grown heifers.

Light restocking steer weaners reached 324c and the best of the trade vealers sold from 290c to 301c/kg. Feeder steers ranged from 260c to 295c/kg. A very good run of medium weight butcher heifers sold from 308c to 316c/kg. Trade steers returned 275c to 300c/kg.

Grown steers topped at 275c and the better shaped grown heifers 240c to 265c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows ranged from 190c to 200c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores 208c to 230c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 24 August 2017.

Photo: Agstock topped today’s sale selling Angus x Steers on behalf of Tainui Pastoral, Yass to a top of 340.2c/kg, av 288.6kg, $981.86ph.
