Market Report – 24 January

Total Yarding: 18,054

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was fair to good. Store lambs were well supplied but were back in numbers. Most of these were unshorn new season lambs. Shorn trade lambs were well supplied and there was a good run of heavy lambs penned. All the usual lamb buyers were operating.

The 2 score restocking lambs sold from $69 to $123/head. Medium and heavy trades were firm and started at $117 for shorn lambs to $149/head. Heavy lambs eased $5 to $6 and up to $10 in places and sold from $152 to $175/head. Carcase prices ranged from 600c to 645c/kg cwt on average. The best of the heavy hoggets made to $152/head.

Mutton numbers stay steady and quality mixed. Prices were $10 cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $77 to $104/head. Heavy crossbreds to $172 and Merino wethers reached $129/head and averaged 360c to 420c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Agstock topped today’s market selling 40 XB Lambs on behalf of Sheahan Pastoral Co, Jugiong for $175.20ph.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 24 January 2018.
