Market Report – 24 May

Total Yarding: 1,942

Numbers increased and the quality was mostly plain. There was an increase in light weaners and a mixed run of around 700 cows. There were only a few good pens of yearlings but most of these went to feeder orders. The market was cheaper.

Weaners to restock and feed were 30c to 40c/kg cheaper. Plain steers started at 140c to better runs of black steers which reached 260c/kg. Heifers sold from 112c to 225c/kg. The vealers reached 240c/kg. Bred and quality was a factor in the average declining 20c on the feeder steers but the better bred steers eased around 10c/kg. Medium weights made from 200c to 288c with a pen of heavy feeder steers reaching 292c/kg. Feeder heifers eased 15c to 20c and sold from 228c to 268c/kg.

Grown steers sold from 236c to 275c and the best of the heavy grown heifers reached 255c/kg. Most cows reduced 6c to 10c with the very plain cows easing 20c/kg. The 2 score processing cows sold from 120c to 179c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores made from 155c to 214c/kg. Prime heavy weights averaged 194c/kg. Restockers paid from 180c to 199c/kg for PTIC cows.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Jim Hindmarsh & Co selling 5 XB Steers on behalf of IG Wind for 284.2c/kg, av 425kg, $1207.85ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 24 May 2018.
