Market Report – 24 November 2022

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding:  416

There was a slight reduction in numbers and the quality was good with plenty of cattle in forward condition and carrying weights. There were several good runs of heavy yearling steers and a limited supply of medium weight feeders. Weaners were limited and around 70 mostly heavy 3,4 and 5 score cows were penned. Despite most buyers operating the market sold to a cheaper trend.

Weaners steers reached 599c to go onto feed. The limited numbers of medium weight feeder steers were 40c cheaper on average selling from 386c to 490c/kg and heavy weights were back just 3c on the back of a very good run and ranged between 449c and 470c/kg. Heifers to feed fell 50c and the medium weights sold from 380c to 400 and heavy weights 360c to 410c/kg. Heavy trade steers were 20c cheaper ranging from 420c to 460c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks reached 420c and heavy grown heifers to process 313c to 320c/kg. Cows were 40c to 45c cheaper with the heavy weights selling from 273c to C muscle cows that reached 326c/kg. The few medium weight 2 score cows sold from 220c to 240c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 22 Hereford Heifers sold for 400c/kg, ave 455.7kg, $1823ph by AgStock on behalf of T Smith, Coolac.
