Market Report – 25 May 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 640

Numbers lifted and the quality remains mixed. Yearlings were best supplied and most went to feeder orders despite weight or cover. A few weaners were offered and a very limited run of grown steers and heifers. 102 cows were penned. With the exception of a few of the better breed steers and heifers to feed the market sold to a softer trend.

Weaner steers back to the paddock reached 329c and the heifers 276c/kg. The better breed steers to feed sold from 300c to 350c for the medium and heavy weights while the secondary cattle were mostly 220c to 260c/kg. Feeder heifers reached 309c with the bulk ranging from 230c to 260c/kg. The few trade cattle ranged from 290c to 310c/kg.

There was only a small run of prime grown cattle and the steers ranged from 248c to 288c/kg and most of the better covered heifers 240c to 280c/kg. Cows were 10c to 12c cheaper with the medium 2 score cows 165c to 185c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores 185c to 225c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 15 Charolais Steers sold for 349.6c/kg, ave 389kg, $1360ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of AL Friend & Co, Breadalbane.
