Market Report – 25 October

Total Yarding: 23,473

Lamb numbers lifted and there were 12,000 new season lambs offered along with 2,500 Merino lambs. Old lambs were in very short supply and quality was good. Light lambs were in good numbers and there were plenty of well-finished trade and heavy lambs. Extra heavy weights were in short supply. Merino lambs were also mostly light and trade weights. All the usual buyers operated along with a few extra restocking orders in a dearer market.

Restocking lambs were $6 to $10 dearer and ranged from $76 to $125/head. The medium and heavy new season lambs were firm on average selling from $124 to $155/head. Heavy new season lambs received $146 to $170 and extra heavy lambs have reached $186/head. Carcase prices ranged from 600c to 630c/kg.

Light Merino lambs ranged from $80 to $113 and the trade weights from $123 to $145/head and averaged 550c to 560c/kg. The best of the hoggets reached $148/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was good. Most weights and grade were offered and the trend was dearer with sheep selling $10 to $16/head stronger. Medium weight ewes ranged from $94 to $135/head with skin prices varying having a big effect on the end price. Heavy Merino ewes reached $151.60 and crossbreds $140/head. Carcase prices averaged 420c to 450c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lambs – 25 October 2017.

Photo: Charlie Croker, Landmark topped the Sucker market with 391 Suckers sold on behalf of Kimble Pastoral Co. to a top of $186ph.
