Market Report – 26 July

Total Yarding: 12,102

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was fair to good. Trade and heavy lambs were best supplied with extra heavy lambs in short supply. Store lambs were limited and there was only a few new season lambs offered. Merino lambs were well supplied although there was not as much weight in most of the runs. The market was cheaper.

Light 2 score processing lambs averaged $88/head. The medium and heavy trade weights eased $15 to $20 and ranged from $100 to $131/head, to average 530c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs eased by $10 to $20 and sold between $123 and $140 while extra heavy lambs received to $168/head. Carcase prices ranged from 490c to 530c/kg cwt. Merino trade lambs ranged from $90 to $109/head. The best of the heavy hoggets reached $125/head.

Mutton numbers were steady and the quality varied. Light and medium weight ewes were best supplied along with a good number of Merino wethers. Prices were back by up to $25/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $74 to $105 and heavy crossbred ewes reached $113/head. Heavy Merino wethers made from $100 to $115/head. Carcase prices ranged from 360c to 410c/kg cwt for the medium and heavy weights.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 26 July 2017.

Photo: Agstock selling 314 new season Suckers on behalf of JL Edgerton & Sons, Jugiong to a top of $133.2ph.
