Market Report – 26 October 2022

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 8547

Lamb numbers eased and athe quality of the 2700 new season lambs improved. Old lambs quality was still mixed with a large percentage having longer skin and lacking cover. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied and there were good lines of young store lambs. The market sold to dearer trends.

New season store lambs were $10 dearer selling from $105 to $135/head for lambs upto 16kg cwt. The medium and heavy trade lambs  were $10 to $13 dearer selling from $155 to $191/head averaging 820c to 840c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs ranged from $191 to $202 with heavier weights reaching $209/head.

Old trade lambs ranged from $125 to $175/head and heavy weights gained $3 to $6 receiving $190 to $214/head or 740c/kg cwt on average. Extra heavy lambs topped at $231/head. Merino lambs reached $140 and the best priced hogget reached $213/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was mixed and included light 1 score ewes to very heavy crossbred ewes. Prices were $5 to $7 dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $111 to $138 and the heavy crossbred ewes $142 to $170/head. Merino wethers reached $153/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 117 XB Lambs sold for $231.2ph by Elders on behalf of J Bell, Goulburn.
