Market Report – 27 March 2019

Total Yarding: 11,853

Lamb numbers decreased slightly and the quality was mixed. There were several runs of ideal trade weights and a few heavy lambs alongside the majority of the lambs lacking cover and weight. All the usual buyers attended the dearer market.

Restocking lambs sold from $109 to $149/head. The 2 score processing lambs were $4 dearer, with restockers purchasing most of these lambs, making from $98 to $127/head. Trade lambs 18-24kg were $10 to $15 dearer, receiving from $144 to $171/head, averaging from 700c to 720c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs reached $185, lifting $4 to $5 and extra heavy lambs made from $186 to $200/head, averaging from 670c to 690c/kg cwt. Light Merino lambs sold to $108 to restockers and Hoggets reached $171/head.

Mutton numbers were back and the quality was mixed. Sheep with some cover medium and heavy weights sold $25/head dearer. Medium weights sold from $88 to $136/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $144 to $198/head. Carcase prices averaged from 520c to 560c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Mark & Brent, Gerrard & Partners sold a total of 38 XB Ewes on behalf of S&J Makeham, Young to a top of $185ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Lamb & Sheep sale – 27 March 2019.
