Special Feeder & Store Cattle
Total Yarding: 570
Numbers were back this store sale and the quality was fair to good with a few large drafts of quality steers to some plainer tailend cattle. The heifers were more consistent but were back in volume. There were a few yearlings just on 12 months of age. Most of the cattle were Angus or Angus cross with a few Hereford or Hereford crosses. The market was stronger than the last sale lifting $25 to $30/head on the steers and $15 to $20 on the heifers.
Medium weight weaners sold from $450 to $680 and heavy weights to 330kg sold from $560 to $705/head. The few over 330kg reached $740/head. Most steers averaged 200c to 240c/kg. Medium weight heifers sold between $295 and $495 and heavy weights reached $530/head or 170c to 217c/kg. Heavy yearlings, just 12 months of age, topped the market at $795 and heifers reached $705/head. A line of Hereford cows with calf at foot reached $1000/unit, plainer and mixed age cow/calf units started at $600 and sold to $990/unit.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.
Photo: BEST PRESENTED COWS: 17 Hereford Cow & Calf units sold for $1000ph by Michael Holmes, Jim Hindmarsh & Son on behalf of Seargeant Pastoral Co.