Market Report – 28 September

Total Yarding: 943

Numbers lifted and the quality was very mixed. There was a larger group of restockers after the increased number of lighter plain yearlings. Good feeder steers and heifers were back in numbers and prime yearlings suited to the trade were in very short supply. Grown steers with weight were also in short supply and there were reasonable numbers of grown heifers. There was a small run of prime cows. Not all the usual feeder orders were  operating, there was extra restocking support and all trade and export buyers attended the cheaper market.

Most of the young cattle eased 10c to 15c/kg. Weaners to restockers sold from 190c to 260c/kg. Feeder steers ranged from 235c to 268c and the heifers 195c to 245c/kg. Trade steers received 248c to 285c and medium weight heifers reached 260c/kg.

Prime grown steers and bullocks were back 30c and sold from 230c to 240c and a good run of grown heifers averaged 212c/kg to the exporters. Cows were back 10c to 20c with the medium weight 2 score cows trading from 138c to 190c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores made 160c to 213c/kg. Prime heavy 4 score cows averaged 203c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 28 September 2017.

Photo: Butt Livestock & Property selling Angus x Steers on behalf of Forest View Pastoral Company, Gunning to a top of 275.2c/kg, av 271.6kg, $747.34ph.
