Market Report – 3 August 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding:  637

Numbers lifted and the quality improved, there were lines and cattle that suited both the trade and feeder buyers. There were more heavy grown steers and heifers and around 100 cows. An extra buyer helped the export run but the whole market lifted selling to a stronger trend.

Weaner steers to 280kg lifted 50c selling from 270c to 333c/kg and the heifers gained 25c and reached 240c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers lifted 13c and reached 340c/kg. Heavy weights lifted 6c and ranged from 282c to 360c/kg. Only limited numbers of heifers to feed were offered and the best reached 260c/kg. Trade cattle were firm to 5c dearer ranging from 275c to 300c/kg.

Grown steers jumped 40c and bullocks 10c on improved quality and most sold from 265c to 320c/kg. Grown heifers lifted 25c and reached 260c/kg for heavy weights. Medium weight cows lifted 15c to 20c/kg with the 2 score cows selling between 155c and 195c and the heavy cows gained 40c with the prime 4 score cows selling from 226c to 260c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 7 Angus Steers sold for 300c/kg, ave 615.2kg, $1847ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of L McDonald.
