Market Report – 3 May 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 10,370

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was plain. There were only a few pens of well finished lambs offered by each agent and some of these lambs were passed in.  Light secondary lambs were well supplied and all lambs sold to a cheaper trend.

Restocking lambs up to 20kg cwt sold to $127 and the were plenty of light lambs in the $70 to $90/head price range. Trade weights 20 to 22kg ranged from $132 to $140 and the 22 to 24kg $135 to $159/head and they were back $10 to $15 and averaged 620c/kg cwt. Heavy weights 24 to 26kg lost $10/head and sold from $153 to $161/head and the 26kg and heavier $179 to $200/head/ Merino lambs back to the paddock with a longer skin sold from $126 to $141/head.

Mutton numbers were steady and there was not the weight in the heavy mutton of the previous weeks. There were plenty of light 1 and 2 score ewes offered. Prices were firm to $5 cheaper. Light ewes $30 to $91/head. Medium weights $83 to $115 and heavy crossbred ewes $115 to $153/head. Mutton with cover was 450c/kg and higher on average.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: Garry Apps, Duncombe & Co sold 245 XB Lambs to a top of $200 on behalf of Derneveagh Pastoral Co, Harden.
