Numbers lifted this sale with both lamb and mutton showing the increase. Lamb quality was very mixed with a few finished lines offered along with the plainer types. The usual buyers were present and competing along with strong competition on the store type lambs in an easier market.
Light lambs sold from $120 to $126 while those to re-stockers received from $94 to $135/head. Trade weights were $5 easier with prices ranging from $125 to $145/head. Heavy and extra heavy weight lambs were limited in number and eased $3/head. Heavy lambs sold from $152 to $165 and extra heavies received from $168 to $178/head. Carcase prices averaged from 601c to 643c/kg.
Mutton numbers also lifted and quality was very mixed. Prices continue to be strong with Merino ewes selling from $102 to $146/head. Crossbred ewes received from $115 to $177 and Merino wethers ranged in price from $114 to $154/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 3 May 2017.
Photo: Nick Harton (Jim Hindmarsh & Co) & Eris Heffernan, Gunning with his XB Hoggets which sold for $154ph.