Total Yarding: 542
Numbers were steady and the quality a little more mixed. Yearlings were well supplied and most had plenty of weight. Feeders and restockers were strong especially on the heifers and trade cattle were limited. Grown steers were in short supply and there were around 80 cows penned.
Vealers lifted 20c selling from 420c to 460c and a calf reached 500c/kg to a restocker. Feeder steers were 15c softer and more on some sales with the medium weights selling from 400c to 449c and heavy feeders made from 374c to 415c/kg. Feeder heifers were firm to slightly dearer. The medium weights sold from 408c to 423c and restocking heifers were dearer making from 416c to 439c/kg for similar weights. Heavy feeder heifers sold from 384c to 435c/kg. The few heavy trade cattle made from 366c to 385c/kg. Grown steers were firm to make from 364c to 382c as were the heavy grown heifers which reached 361c/kg.
Cows lifted 5c to 9c with the medium weights 2 score cows selling from 278c to 308c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores made from heavy PTIC cows sold to a top of 315c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
Photo: Ben Arabin, ‘Mountain Pond’, Berremangra, sold 8 Black Baldy Steers with Jim Hindmarsh & Co for 495.2c/kg, ave 321.3kg, $1591ph.
Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 4 February 2021.