Market Report – 4 January

Total Yarding: 340

The first Yass cattle sale for 2018 saw a decrease in numbers for a total yarding of 340 fair to good quality cattle. The bulk of the offering was made up by yearlings, with a few vealers and a limited number of cows. All usual buyers were operating selling to a firm market.

The best vealer topped at 292c and there was less demand for weaners returning to the paddock, with the steers selling from 289c to 338c/kg and a limited number of heifers. Well finished and bred yearling steers to the trade were up to 13c dearer, topping at 295c and those suiting feeder orders were also dearer, ranging from 255c to 307c/kg. Yearling heifers to processors were up to 15c dearer for the heavier and higher yielding types to average 280c/kg. Feeder heifers were 7c cheaper, selling from 262c to 285c/kg. There was less demand for heifers from re-stockers.

There was not enough grown steers or heifers to quote. There was a limited number of cows, with lighter D2 cows to re-stockers averaging 214c/kg and heavier D3 and D4 cows made from 205c to 218c/kg. The best heavy weight bull reached 245c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Elders selling Angus x Steers on behalf of Matt & Maree Doyle, Yass for 307c/kg, av 379.7kg, $1165.58.

Sale Top Quotes

SB & ME Philip, Yass, (HOL), 218, 835, 1820; Murrungal Partnership, Boorowa, (JIM), 208, 750, 1560; Murrungal Partnership, Boorowa, (JIM), 205, 730, 1497; AR Apps, Goulburn, (DUN), 215, 595, 1279; SK & PJ Jermyn, Dalton, (AGS), 212, 592, 1254.

Yearling Heifers
Peter Voss, Reidsdale, (JIM), 280, 380, 1064; PJ & SL Shoemark, Braidwood, (JIM), 285, 366, 1043; A & D Drapalski, Gundary, (HAL), 275, 374, 1029; SB & ME Philip, Yass, (HOL), 270, 366, 988; NS Lees, Quialigo, (ELD), 289, 340, 983.

Grown Heifers
Elizabeth Fields M.G. Stud, Yass, (LAN), 210, 765, 1607; SB & ME Philip, Yass, (HOL), 236, 568, 1339; Eubindal Pastoral Co, Bowning, (ELD), 281, 470, 1322; Joan Birnie & Ian Medway, Rye Park, (LAN), 286, 457, 1309; David Barnett, Yass, (AGS), 269, 455, 1225.

Yearling Steers
ME & MP Doyle, Yass, (ELD), 307, 380, 1166; Livingstone Livestock, Yass, (ELD), 307, 372, 1141; Livingstone Livestock, Yass, (ELD), 295, 371, 1094; ME & MP Doyle, Yass, (ELD), 302, 361, 1091; ME & MP Doyle, Yass, (ELD), 308, 351, 1078.

Grown Steers
Lochness Pty Ltd, Laggan, (AND), 262, 640, 1677; Lochness Pty Ltd, Laggan, (AND), 275, 498, 1370; PH & SM Duggan, Goulburn, (LAN), 248, 540, 1339; PJ & PL Shoemark, Braidwood, (JIM), 296, 445, 1318; Lochness Pty Ltd, Laggan, (AND), 295, 441, 1301.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 4 January 2018.
