Market Report – 5 July 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 7,489

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was back on last weeks sale with a fall in prime lamb numbers. There still were plenty of secondary lambs that were lacking cover and finish. Trade lambs were best supplied and the were limited numbers of heavy and extra heavy lambs alongside the usual runs of light 2 score lambs. There was a larger buying group on the lambs and the market lifted $10 to $15/head on average with a few small butcher orders pushing prices higher on selected lots.

The 2 score processing lambs sold from $78 to $90/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs to 24kg sold from $108 to $136/head. Heavy lambs 24 to 26kg $130 to $160/head and those over 26kg ranged from $156 to $175/head. Most averaged from 550c to 600c/kg. Best price for hoggets was $132/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and quality was again mixed. Light and medium weight ewes were $5 dearer while heavy crossbred ewes were $10 cheaper with an exporter not operating. Light ewes sold from $34 to $68/head, medium weights $74 to $105 and heavy crossbred ewes $78 to $113/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 39 Border Leicester Hoggets sold for $128.2ph by Delta Livestock on behalf of G&D Selmes, Crookwell.
